Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1. Form Endless Gift

By Charles D. Presberg

Form—defining gift with limning edge,

Refusing, wonderfully-made, to melt,

Except within a self-forged headpiece

Of armor plates and muck-caked, yet …

Crackable for love-being drives

That seed and swell and spring and sprout

The bulbs of giddy life within,

A blood parade of truthful shapes,

A host in playful leap-song flowing,

The knowing prop to prayer unknowing,

Unique abounding binding One.

Except, stop; except, strike; except, stab

In the test in the trial of technique.

Naked nature on our rack-wheel,

Writhing in our rip-lust, wailing,

Manacled figure-out minds, faking

Difference, mangle lustral bleeders

Drawn to white for wasteland yield, my-

Will-be-done oblations float or

Coil-scream sticky till they dry, till

Flushed away, till scraped aside, till

Carcass-cloned in head-made heaven’s


Pilgrims of the happy fault, with

Mournful hope push militant, in

Hybrid, monster, wound, in burnt edge,

Bite with beauty time-bound losses,

Worldly ends turned artful victories,

Formal endings, love from beingworld

Back to loveworld, bearing every

Truth of all-world mirror, echo

Foretaste after always-now as

Form to join to form in endless…


2. Whatever

By Charles D. Presberg

What they say is false but nice.

It lets you dub all virtue vice

Yet think vice-versa, if you please,

In glibbest Humpty-Dumptyese.

Old-fart Hegemonics fold.

Theocentrics yield to bold,

Newly coolest metrics, what

They want for you and me. To cut

The cord of mama culture, Lord

papa Sky-king, so that, bored,

You may rubber-rut. Yokeless, they

Join smug to smart and smokeless. They

Tell you nice; they mealy-thump:

Could you Humpty-Dumpty jump?

Smoochie Goochie Sweety Pie,

Newlove means, when unwanted, die.


Charles D. Presberg is author of Adventures in Paradox: “Don Quixote” and the Western Tradition (Penn State UP, 2001). He teaches Spanish Renaissance literature at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Email: